Welcome to the Praxis Framework

a free framework for the management of projects, programmes and portfolios

Praxis integrates a body of knowledge, methodology, competency framework and capability maturity model
into a single consistent framework. It also contains tools and resources designed to help individuals, teams and
organisations improve their effectiveness and efficiency in delivering projects, programmes and portfolios.

Take the Guided tour
Get certified! Training based on the Praxis Framework is now available and will provide a pathway to becoming a more effective project or programme manager
  • Free

    Penggunaan Praxis sepenuhnya gratis di bawah lisensi Creative Common. Anda bisa mengadaptasi dan menggunakan kerangka Praxis (Praxis Framework) untuk maksud Anda sendiri sepanjang Anda mengetahui sumbernya. Anda juga harus membuat ketersediaan pekerjaan anda kepada yang lain secara gratis dalam hal hak paten. Secara ideal, kontribusi anda akan diikutsertakan ke dalam jaringan situs internet agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh yang lain.

  • Integrated

    Praxis sekaligus adalah suatu metodologi tubuh pengetahuan (body of knowledge), kerangka kompetensi dan model kematangan kemampuan di dalam kerangka yang terintegrasi dengan terminologi dan struktur tunggal. Tidak ada lagi kebutuhan untuk memetakan dan terjemahan antara pedoman yang berbeda.

  • Practical

    Tidak ada satupun hal-hal yang menjadi tipikal sebagai proyek, program atau portofolio dan Praxis tidak bersifat menentukan (prescriptive) di dalam cara atas komponennya yang diterapkan. Kerangka didesain untuk menyediakan blok bangunan yang dapat dirajut dan dirakit agar sesuai dengan semua permasalahan dalam konteks yang berbeda.

  • Community driven

    Kebanyakan panduan manajemen proyek, program, dan portofolio dimutakhirkan oleh para panel pakar paling sedikit setiap tahun. Maksud kami dengan Praxis adalah memutakhirkan dan melanjutkan kerangka dan kepustakaan dengan dasar keberlangsungan. Sebagai pengguna kami, kami menyediakan adaptasi dan pembelajaran, kami akan bekerja sama dalam hal ini di dalam suatu kerangka. Periksa berita dari kami pada halaman ini dan ikutlah bersama kami pada Twitter untuk tetap mendapatkan berita terkini.

Explore the Framework

Praxis Pathway

Praxis Pathway infographic
Our primary objective at Praxis Framework is to break down the barriers to implementing good practice in project, programme and portfolio management. Our paths for individuals, teams and organisations combine to form the Praxis Pathway.

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Praxis Framework book

The Praxis Framework book

The Praxis Framework book is published by The Stationery Office and may be purchased from the TSO web site.

Find out about the book

Latest News

Keeping you informed

  • New Critical path videos
    06 Jan 2024
    Two new videos have just been added to our growing video section. The first covers the basics of Critical Path Analysis. Over time we will add more videos that build on this basic... read article
  • Cost of change
    16 Dec 2023
    Our latest video 'Cost of change', looks at one of the key enablers of agility in the management of... read article
  • New encyclopaedia video
    27 Nov 2023
    This video is a brief tour of Kotter's 8-step model for change management, via a quick look at Lewin's... read article
  • Praxis Local in Portuguese
    22 Nov 2023
    Praxis Local is now available in Brazilian Portuguese. Many thanks to Ernani Marques for all his work to complete this new version.O Praxis Local agora está disponível em... read article


Blogs and Articles

  • Secrets of successful programmesThe wisdom in this paper won’t be found in methods and processes, they are more about how experienced and skilled people apply them and the issues they face.... read article
  • International team workingProject management is difficult enough when the core team and stakeholders are predominantly from one national and organisation culture. But what about multicultural... read article
  • PPM but not as we know itFollow Emperor Sponsus on his path to glory and the trials and tribulations of general Marcus Projex Magna as he struggles to turn Sponsus’s vision into a... read article
  • Articles and blogsFree articles and blogs on project management from well known and award-winning... read article
  • It's all about the brandAs a self-confessed ‘project management geek’, I keep an eye on how project management is portrayed on social media. A common subject for on-line discussion is the way various... read article