The purpose of this competency is to achieve the goals of assurance, i.e. to:
- review management planning;
- monitor effectiveness of functions and processes;
- give stakeholders confidence that the work is being managed effectively and efficiently.
Performance criteria You must be able to: |
| This is the only competency that doesn’t have a performance criterion that starts with “assure the quality of…” because that would be a circular reference. This competency may be applied by someone acting internally or externally to the management team. When applied as external assurance, it would include the checking of any previous internal assurance, e.g. programme assurance may check that project assurance is being conducted correctly. Where the context of the work requires particularly rigorous assurance (e.g. legislative or regulatory requirements, high risk environments etc.), the knowledge criteria may be expanded to include specific assurance techniques. |
Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: |